Welcome to the final installment of this story in the Wing Commander series. There will be a Wing Commander 3, I just don't know when it'll be out.

Thanks to Tsuki Doriimaa, for the encouragement, the help, the advice, and most of all for believing in me and for loving the story.

Thanks to everyone who's written me about this story, and all my others.

Please visit my website, www.usagi-carter.org


Wing Commander: Return Of The Kilrathi
Epilogue: Birth Of A Moon Princess
By: Usagi Carter
Finished: November 24, 2002
Last Revised: May 1, 2003

1 Hour After Chapter 8
Senshi Training Grounds

"Venus, why did you want us here?" Uranus asked as she and Endymion stood before the Senshi of Love. Before Endymion, or Venus, had time to make a comment on that, the other Senshi filed into the area, surprising Uranus and Endymion.

"First of all, Uranus, with the way you've been going, we've come to a team decision," Venus said as Saturn stepped forward and pointed her Glaive at the Senshi of Wind. "Should you keep up with the way you've been acting, you will be put on suspension, or we will go to Queen Serenity and your mother, and have your powers taken from you."

Uranus and Endymion looked at the group of Senshi, particularly the two leaders standing before them, in shock. "You can't do that," Uranus started before Saturn cut her off.

"With the way you've been acting toward Endymion, its considered treason against the Princess," Saturn informed the blonde haired senshi. "Treason is punishable by death, but seeing as none of us want to see you dead, you will either be put on suspension or stripped of your powers."

"Do we make ourselves clear, Uranus?" Venus asked as Uranus looked to each of the other senshi, all of who, with the exception of Pluto who wasn't there, stood firm behind Saturn and Venus.

"Crystal," Uranus grumbled as Saturn pulled her Glaive back from her fellow senshi before turning it toward Endymion.

"As far as you're concerned, Endymion, you keep it up with the way you've been acting, and the senshi will be forced to take action against you, because you threaten one of our own, despite that you are married to our princess. We will withdraw our pledge of protection from you," Venus said as Endymion nodded, completely understanding where the girls were coming from.

"Dismissed," Venus called as the senshi turned and filed out of the training area. Endymion and Uranus stood there, still a little shocked, waiting till the others had left before speaking.

"Uranus, I am sorry," Endymion started as Uranus sighed.

"So am I. Guess I've just been wound a little tight lately. Truce?" Uranus asked, sticking out her hand as Endymion nodded, stuck out his hand and they shook.


June 30
Princess Serenity's birthday ball

"Serenity, are you all right?" Queen Maia of Mercury asked as she walked over to Princess Serenity, who had sat down in a chair rather uneasily.

"I feel sick, Aunt Maia," the pregnant Moon Princess whispered as Maia bent down before her to check her vital signs.

"What do you mean when you say you feel sick?" Maia asked as she stood up and began mentally calling both sets of senshi.

"I feel a stabbing pain in my stomach, and I'm nauseous," Serenity said as Maia's eyes went wide.

"Oh by the..." Maia started before a slight gushing sound was heard beneath Serenity. When both women got a good look at the floor, it looked as though it were wet. "You're in labor, and your water just broke." As soon as the words left Maia's mouth, all the other senshi, Queen Serenity, and Prince Endymion walked over.

"Maia, what's wrong with her?" Queen Serenity questioned as she crouched before her daughter.

"Her water just broke, she's in labor, and we need to get her to the palace infirmary, now," Maia said as she turned toward Endymion to say something to him, but he was already reaching down to pick his wife up. Following Maia, Endymion carried Serenity out of the ballroom, past many surprised guests, and toward the infirmary.

"May I have everyone's attention?" Venus called as the room became silent, the music from the orchestra stopping. "Unfortunately, Princess Serenity isn't going to be able to be here for the rest of the night, she's on her way to the palace infirmary, where she will hopefully give birth to her child tonight. We will keep you all posted on her condition." That said, the senshi left the room, hurrying once in the hallway to catch up with their mothers.


"Push Serenity, I want you to bear down and push!" Maia commanded of her princess. Sailor Mercury was monitoring Serenity's vitals as the Moon Princess pushed as hard as she possibly could. Sailor Mars stood next to Mercury, wiping her princess' brow with a cold cloth. Queen Serenity and Prince Endymion stood on either side of Sere, holding her hands.

"Once more, Serenity, and you'll be done," Maia commanded as Serenity nodded, brought her chin to her chest and pushed. A moment later, a loud cry was heard as Maia wrapped a tiny, pink haired, cinnamon eyed baby girl in a blanket and laid the child on her mother's chest. "Serenity, meet your daughter."

"Serenity," Endymion whispered as he looked down at his wife holding his daughter.

"Endymion," Serenity whispered back as she looked from her daughter to her husband.

"Such a loud voice for such a small lady," Queen Serenity whispered as she bent down, kissing her granddaughter and her daughter, before ushering everyone else out of the room.

"That's a perfect name for her," Endymion whispered as Serenity looked up at him in confusion. "Princess Small Lady Serenity, so as not to confuse her with you and your mother."

"Oh Endy, how perfect," Serenity whispered as she grasped his hand and then handed him their daughter a moment later. "Small Lady it is," Serenity whispered before she went to sleep.


"Serenity thinks she can have her happiness and not worry about me, but she's wrong," the male voice, which was laced with anger and rage, hissed to the floating figure beside him as the two looked into the crystal ball before them.

"Soon, Prince, all your dreams will come true, soon," the floating figure replied as they both broke out laughing, the evil sound echoing off the walls of the dark room they were in.