What would I do:
If I didn't have my friends
By Usagi Carter
1999-2000What would I do without you Amy?
My friend who's always got her nose in a book
The one who always knows
How to solve an algebraic expression
My friend, who is shy and always observant
Able to give me her opinion on the situation

What would I do without you Raye?
The temple priestess who keeps me in line
My best friend who can calm me down
The spiritual leader of our group
Who always keeps me on my toes
The loyal person I've come to love as a sister

What would I do without you Makoto?
My rough and tumble gal
The one who hardly thinks before she acts
And always manages to get the job done
The one who makes such tasty treats
And always goes boy crazy with me

What would I do without you Minako?
My therapist you've been
When heartache has come a knocking
The girl who advises me to follow my heart
The one who is my newest confidant
And always lending me a hand

What would I do without you Sailor Mercury?
You are the brain I rely on in a tight spot
Able to find the weakness of any youma
Always quiet yet always pushing me to my limits

What would I do with out you Sailor Mars?
My fiery tempered Senshi
The one who constantly teases in battle
And always know how to get me to do my job
Even when I don't want to

What would I do with out you Sailor Jupiter?
The girl who is my personal bodyguard
Always willing to defend me and my honor
Constantly protecting and always willing
To see things from my point

What would I do without you Sailor Venus?
The head of my inner guard
You hold the position next to mine
Always ready at a moment's notice
To go along with my hair-brained schemes
And always willing to uphold your duties